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About our school

Community Language School Romashka is a unique opportunity to preserve, develop and improve your kids' mother-tongue. Our school is located in the heart of the Gold Coast — in the Synergy block of Southport State High School. The school also boasts another campus in Burleigh Waters.


"Romashka" keeps growing by the day thanks to a professional team of teachers.
Teaching resources 2021
All works in this section were funded by the Department of Home Affairs of Australia. Teaching materials were developed under the supervision and with the direct participation of Ekaterina Koudryavstesa — (PhD), Academic Head of International Council on Methodology and Multilingualism , Head of the International Method Council (45 countries of the world), Scientific Director of the International Network Laboratories "Innovative technologies in the field of multicultural education" (universities in 9 countries of the world), board member of the ICaRuS OC, expert of the federal register of the scientific and technical sphere of the Russian Federation, member of the expert network of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, expert of ANO "Center for Modern Educational Technologies", verifying Rotary Int. projects, project manager Author of over 200 scientific articles and 50

The International Methodological Council for Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication at REC ICaRuS (Germany)
Theory and methodology of teaching bilingual children with Russian heritage
Curriculum and programs for teaching bilingual children with Russian heritage
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Preschool teaching resources and teachers' books
Primary school teaching resources
Russian language for Middle and Senior School students
Teaching through games
Educational programs for bilingual children from our partners
Pushkin lyceum curriculum lote Russian. Based on Victorian Essential Learning Standards. Lote curriculum
Open materials
Video resources for teachers
Elena Esaulova - Bachelor of Psychological Sciences, Defectologist, Philologist, Game Technologist, Game Practitioner, practicing Speech Therapist, teacher of the highest category with 26 years of experience in preschool education. At present Elena teaches at school № 1593 СП № 1 in Moscow.

Elena is the author-developer of innovative teachers' guides and games for speech and speech therapy development of children and adults, the author of speech therapy coloring books, an innovative manual "ZVUKVAR" and books on sand fairy tale therapy.

Elena is the Laureate of the Russian National Prize "Golden Bear" in the category "Best Teaching Aids" (2018). Two-time winner of the competition for scholarships and grants by L.S. Vygotsky (2017, 2018), finalist of the II stage of the nomination "Teacher-Defectologist of the Year" of the Moscow city professional competition "Teacher of the Year of Moscow - 2019".

Diagnostics of phonemic hearing
Diagnostics of Phonemic Hearing
Development of Auditory Perception
Angelika Novgorodova - psychologist, coach, speech therapist, game teacher. soft-skills development coach.
— Member of the "International Methodological Council for Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication" at the OTs ICaRuS, Germany
— Head of the "Talent and skill" development space, the "RussLab" Literacy Laboratory and the "Talantikum" Family Classes.
— Creator of the Game Project "Open Russian".
— Author and host of reading, literacy and speech development programs.
Angelika Novgorodova
Few important shades of Dyslexia

Why are our classes better?

  • Teaching methods
    Based on the personal experience of our teachers, our training program includes the most modern tools and materials.
  • 5-6 people in a group
    A small group is the best way to learn. We find that an individual approach to children is the best way to develop their strengths.
  • Individual approach
    Every child is unique. We do not have individual programs, but every child will receive the same amount of time and attention from our professional colleagues.
  • Homework
    Kids are always getting homework assignments, but if a child has a busy schedule, it is not always required to have it completed.
  • The presence of adults
    If parents are interested in seeing what our classes are like, they can always come to the school and participate together with their kids.
  • Variety of classes
    We teach Russian Grammar, Russian Literature, Drama, Music, The Basics of Engineering for various ages of children. Each Term we celebrate important Russian heritage events and discuss Russian Geography, History and Culture.

School building

Our school is located in the heart of the Gold Coast - in a separate area of the Southport State High School building.
The success of our students is important for us. Take a look at what the lessons at our school are like and see how our kids are performing.

    More news in our Instagram

    Pedagogical Conference
    April-May 2021
    "Development of modern teaching materials and programs for students of language schools in Australia"
    Video of the speeches of the conference participants
    April 23, 2021
    Dr Vladis Kosse. Russian Community, School Romashka, Gold Coast. "Teaching Fundamentals of Engineering Creativity with Elements of TRIZ". Vadim will explain what the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving is and how it can be applied and promoted in the Community Language School setting for primary and secondary school students.
    Vadim Kosse
    "Teaching Fundamentals of Engineering Creativity with Elements of TRIZ"
    April 24, 2021
    Denisenko Elena "Modern textbooks for bilingual children. Publisher " Russian language. Courses"
    Elena Nikolaevna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Other Slavic Languages of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, scientific editor of the Russkiy Yazyk publishing house. Courses. The author of the dictionary for bilingual children "My first dictionary". She is also the author of a manual on the language of the specialty "Diplomacy" level B2-C2.
    Elena speaks in detail about the manuals, methods of delivering books to Russian schools abroad, as well as the requirements for materials sent to the publishing house.
    Denisenko Elena
    "Modern textbooks for bilingual children. Publisher " Russian language. Courses"
    April 30, 2021
    Khamraeva Elizaveta "Modern teaching of the Russian language: textbooks and manuals for bilingual children of different levels"
    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Pre-University Education of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow). Since 2017 - Director of the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen (St. Petersburg, Russia). Author of educational lines in the Russian language for bilingual children in Russia and the Russian diaspora. Co-author of kits for teaching children of compatriots living abroad, as well as foreign children who study Russian as a first or second foreign language. The author of educational manuals of a new type, prepared in 2013 by the Bustard publishing house for smartphones and tablet computers iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, - training on an interactive electronic textbook (Khamraeva E.A., Ivanova E.I.) and the Russian language in the latest multimedia means ("Russian for beginners").
    Elizaveta tells in detail about her textbooks for bilinguals.
    Khamraeva Elizaveta
    "Modern teaching of the Russian language: textbooks and manuals for bilingual children of different levels"
    April 30, 2021
    Kravchenko Yuri "Educational software products in Russian for the education of children and adults"
    Yuri works and maintains ties with ethnic Russian language schools around the world, providing an opportunity for schools and parents to use interesting and well-designed software products that can be used without an Internet connection. The project conducts various actions for schools, which you will learn about in more detail from the presentation.
    He will show and tell the audience in detail about educational programs in Russian for children of different ages - from preschool age to 17 years.
    Kravchenko Yuri
    "Educational software products in Russian for the education of children and adults"
    April 30, 2021
    Elena Tretyachenko "Teaching Russian language in grades 7-10 of the Australian public education system ((on the example of the Saturday School of Community Languages)"
    Elena is a teacher of Russian language at the State Saturday School of Community Languages, Chastwood, Sydney, PhD in Culturology. In her free time, she educates two bilinguals. Upon arrival in Australia, she actively ran her YouTube channel about Australian slang.
    In her report, Elena tells in detail about the Russian language training program at the Australian public school in New South Wales.
    Elena Tretyachenko
    "Teaching Russian language in grades 7-10 of the Australian public education system ((on the example of the Saturday School of Community Languages)"
    May 1, 2021
    Mila Snegurova "Games for teaching bilingual children"
    Head of her own harmonious development studio "Tip-Top", Sydney. Lecturer at Central Russian School, Sydney. Teacher of Russian language and mathematics, economics in high school with 17 years of work experience.
    Why play with children? Play is the most effective teaching method. What games are worth playing to teach a child the Russian language? Mila shares this in her speech "Game Library. Games in Russian lessons."
    The recording was conducted live, the organizers apologize in advance for the difficulties with sound and video.
    Mila Snegurova
    "Games for teaching bilingual children"
    May 2, 2021
    Victoria Nikolaeva "Successful experience of the formation of a Russian school abroad"
    In 2005, Victoria graduated from the Metropolitan Institute of Translators (Moscow) with a degree in linguist-translator (English, French). Specialization - intercultural communication. In 2015, she confirmed her master's degree at the Masaryk University in Brno with a degree in Translation and Translation Studies. In 2015, she organized a pilot educational project to teach Russian to bilingual children, which has been known since 2017 as the Russian School in Brno. In 2020, she became the head of the Brusnika continuing education center. She graduated from distance refresher courses in the direction "Methods of teaching the Russian language to bilingual children and monolingual children-foreigners" at the Russian Language Training Center of Moscow State University, as well as courses on managing modern educational organizations.
    Victoria talks about how her school developed and how it became the Center for Continuing Education Centrum Brusinka, z.s. (educational and leisure center "Brusnika") - a center of additional education for all ages, which appeared in the city of Brno in August 2020.
    Victoria Nikolaeva
    "Successful experience of the formation of a Russian school abroad"
    May 2, 2021
    Samatova Lola "Textbooks for bilingual children of different levels of language proficiency"
    Samatova Lola
    "Textbooks for bilingual children of different levels of language proficiency"
    Dr Anna Mikhaylova, University of Qld. "Important features and stages of heritage language proficiency".
    In this talk Anna will go over implications of research findings about the nature and route of heritage language development for the planning, teaching and assessment in community language school contexts.
    Dr Anna Mikhaylova
    "Important features and stages of heritage language proficiency"
    Inara Ulbekova. The Principal of Lermontov school, Brisbane. "Russian as a Foreign Language. Main aspects of teaching children of 5-7 years of age who cannot yet read in Russian."
    Inara will discuss the basic approaches and peculiarities of work with children of such age and abilities and show a sample of the class together with the teachers of her school.
    Inara Ulbekova
    "Russian as a Foreign Language. Main aspects of teaching children of 5-7 years of age who cannot yet read in Russian."
    Conference presentations
    Important features and stages of heritage language proficiency.
    Russian as a Foreign Language. Main aspects of teaching children of 5-7 years of age who can not yet read in Russian.
    Teaching Fundamentals of Engineering Creativity with Elements of TRIZ
    Games for teaching bilingual children
    Immersion reading - technology and products for education of the XXI century
    Modern textbooks for bilingual children from the publishing house "Russian language. Courses"
    Educational software products in Russian for the education of children and adults
    Teaching the Russian language in grades 7-10 of the Australian public education system (on the example of the Saturday School of Community Languages)
    Textbooks for bilingual children of different levels of language proficiency
    Modern teaching of the Russian language: textbooks and manuals for children of bilinguals of different levels.
    Preparation and delivery of the Russian Senior External Exam in Victoria

    Frequently asked questions

    Popular questions
    Do we have to buy study materials ourselves or we will get them at school?
    Our school provides all the materials, but if a child is using its own materials, we won't be against this.
    How can we enroll in a class?
    Leave us a request in the form below or give us a call to find out more about registering.

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    • Contacts
      Tel: +61 431 985 078
      Follow us on facebook and instagram
    • Our address
      75 Smith St Motorway Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia 4215
      Our school is located in the heart of the Gold Coast - in a separate area of the Southport State High School building.